When we first interviewed you back in 2003 for WomenandBiz.com’s first issue, Zinc Bar was about to celebrate its 10th year anniversary and you had just opened Flatiron Lounge with your brother Alex. A few years later you opened Pegu Club.
How have your ventures changed, if in anyway, since you’ve established the first business?

Kristina Kossi
Not too much, I am still creating, designing and opening clubs. Alex and I have been improving upon the formula that has worked for us for 15 years at Zinc Bar. This coming October, we are very excited to be moving to our new bigger space on West 3rd street.
What are the most difficult challenges you faced as your businesses were growing?
Spending time at each one, I’m at Zinc Bar most of the time, but I am fortunate enough to have great partners that are at Flatiron Lounge and Pegu Club.
How do you balance your personal life and motherhood with running and growing your businesses?
Because I’m a business owner, I can arrange my schedule, but it requires a lot of discipline. Firstly, and always important to me is that the kids are happy, and I’ve spent enough time with them, and then, spending time with friends or taking a class or two, for myself. Read more